A large percentage of abandoned or abused animals are due to behavioral problems, with right and appropriate advice on puppy behavior, the pet-owner duo can be greatly improved. Before choosing a puppy, large or small breed, it’s important that you know the basics about the behavior of the breed, the level of physical  activity they require and the minimum care they need. Soon you´ll take a look that knowing about your puppy’s behavior will result in fewer behavior problems, and consequently will prevent them from being rejected, abandoned and in the worst case dead.

No doubt, dog behavior is an important genetic component and a breeder will always consider this factor when selecting their breeding dogs. However, you should know that it is not a determinant for the development of the personality of each puppy, the environment in which they develop from an early age will also be a factor that influences their behavior as an adult. There are three stages for the development of behavior: Neonatal Stage, here the mother of the puppy will be the main responsible, she will be in charge of teaching them the most basic aspects; believe it or not, one of them is submission and they achieve it with only the mother’s behavior by stimulating them to urinate and defecate; the second stage is the transition stage, which begins when the puppy opens their eyes and ends with the appearance of hearing, this is where they begin to discover the environment where they develop, the smells and shapes that they felt with their nose, now they have shape and sounds; and finally there is the Socialization Stage, where the puppy acquires the main elements for its behavior, it is a fundamental stage since here they will learn self-control, communication, pack rules, hierarchy) and detachment,in this stage is where we can positively influence or negatively in their behavior.

During the development of the puppy, and mainly from the moment they arrive at their new home, they must learn how to adapt to certain circumstances, and if we are there to guide them and/or teach them the best way to adapt to these stimuli or environments, we will achieve balanced pets, but mainly happy and healthy.

If you have a pet with behavior problems, you should never correct it with aggression, yelling or hitting. If you have doubts about the best way to educate your puppy, approach an expert in ethology, they  will surely be able to guide you on what is the best way to correct those bad habits that are outside the rules of your pack.

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