Our dogs in breeding

program 2022



She´s the one with the most energy in the group, she´s always running, playing and jumping. She is very cheerful and friendly, she will play with anyone who comes near. Her favorite toys are bones and big rocks. She is always looking for love and attention.  Is the one who loves looking prettier the most, loves the hair care session and the photos, she always stands out.



She is the most introverted and quiet of all, yet she does not leave mischief aside and likes to steal socks and shoes, especially bathroom flip flops. She is usually very quiet and is a bit shy when you meet her, but like the rest of the group she is playful and likes to be in the company of others. She is the cutest and prefers to sleep on the pillows on the bed.



He is our beautiful pomeranian sire; and as a good male, the most mischievous and greedy of all and, of course, his favorite time of day is mealtime. He loves barking and is very expressive. He really likes to play with his siblings and running. He also enjoys resting and his favorite place to do so is the kitchen cabinet, so he takes advantage when something falls while we prepare the food. He likes to be given affection and for tou to appreciate his beauty.




She is the most shy of the group and can be a bit nervous. Once she forgives strangers, she is the sweetest. when you earn her trust she wont stop looking for you and giving you love. she likes to be the center of attention among the people she feels comfortable with, she wants you to accompany her all the time. She is very loving and while she can seem reserved on the outside, she is actually very affectionate. all the temper of a chihuahua.



He´s our Chihuahua sire, loves sleeping and if it is in bed or on the couch next to his breeder, much better. He is a little calmer than the rest of the group, he prefers not to be bothered, but that doesn’t stop him from running and jumping when everyone is playing or when he feels like it, everyone in the house loves him. He is also sociable and although he can be angry sometimes, he also likes to be petted and given attention. His character is a mixture of Chihuahua and Pomeranian, sociable… but reserved.


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